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The best scholarships around the world for Women in STEM
Bill Woehr Bill Woehr

The best scholarships around the world for Women in STEM

With accessibility and inclusivity being at the heart of more workplaces looking to foster a more balanced and diverse world, more companies and organisations are offering scholarships to help more women enter and excel in STEM careers around the world.

According to data from the UN Scientific Education and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), less than 30% of the world’s researchers are women, and only 30% of female students select STEM-related fields in higher education. With this in mind, when it comes to STEM, in an area driven by curiosity, openness, and searching for better outcomes, increasing the number of women in STEM is only a good thing for organisations and societies. For example, in Caroline Criado Perez’s Invisible Women, it was found that women are 47% more likely to be seriously injured in a car accident because of how the car is designed. Not because women were purposely being excluded in the design process, but because they were not being thought about.


To kick off with some of the most notable scholarships around the world, we have written a list of some of the best opportunities for women in STEM, to help move towards a fairer, more inclusive world.

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How to get a job in STEM
Bill Woehr Bill Woehr

How to get a job in STEM

With the rise of technology, science and the emergence of AI, it comes as no surprise that there are more jobs and roles in demand looking for people to fill positions within the cutting-edge industries within STEM. And with STEM employment growing 7% (from 9.7 million to 17.3 million) since 1990, more people are looking at STEM as a potential path to study at school and beyond.

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Top 10 STEM Podcasts to listen to
Bill Woehr Bill Woehr

Top 10 STEM Podcasts to listen to

The number of people listening to podcasts in the UK has been increasing year upon year, with an estimated 21.2 million listeners tuning in back in 2022. 

And with so many points of interest and discussion to hand (and in our ears), it is no surprise that STEM related podcasts are increasing too. 

From emerging scientific studies to navigating the waters of being a woman in STEM, there is a podcast to suit your tastes.

So, we’ve rounded up the top 10 podcasts in STEM to listen to and to keep your brain ticking over happily whether you are on the commute, cooking in the kitchen, or just want to unearth some more information on a sunny Sunday. 

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5 reasons why STEM education is important
Bill Woehr Bill Woehr

5 reasons why STEM education is important

Okay let’s break it down. STEM is a powerful concept because it’s been hailed as critical for the future. The future for our families, the future for our children, diversity, the workforce and the economy. And there’s barely scratching the surface.

That’s why STEM education has received hundreds of millions of dollars in support from governments worldwide and remains one of the biggest priorities at all levels of the educational system.

It would be inaccurate to assume that STEM education is merely instruction in the STEM subjects of science, technology, engineering and mathematics as the acronym suggests. The idea of STEM should actually be taken a step further.

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What job opportunities are available in STEM?
Bill Woehr Bill Woehr

What job opportunities are available in STEM?

If you're looking for a career opportunity within the STEM industry, you may have arrived in the perfect place. STEM covers such a wide array of fields that there’s usually something for everyone. If you love Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics - chances are there’s going to be thousands of potentially opportunities available within your respective field.

If you’re looking for lucrative work opportunities with plenty of growth potential, STEM might also be for you. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, STEM careers had median wages and career growth rates in 2021 that were more than double that of non-STEM occupations. So if you’re incentivised financially as well, look no further.

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Impress at any interview with our 5 top tips
Bill Woehr Bill Woehr

Impress at any interview with our 5 top tips

You’ve just spent hours reading the job description. You’ve poured over the company mission statement and clicked every possible link on the businesses website. You’ve sent through your resume. One week later, that all elusive email enters your inbox. The subject line reads: “Congratulations, we would like to invite you for an interview”. 

Odds are, you’ve been in this situation. Most of us have been in this situation. It’s a mixed feeling of nerves and excitement at the prospect of attending an interview for a job that you're desperate to get. When you're invited to an interview - your brain processes a million potential questions that your interviewer may or may not ask you. This blog will hopefully provide some insight and tips on how to successfully prepare (and ultimately kill) your interview.

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Starting a career in STEM 
Bill Woehr Bill Woehr

Starting a career in STEM 

If I were to list all of the possible careers in STEM, I'd be writing for about 50 days. STEM is an incredibly broad concept and the potential careers within STEM vary greatly. Deciding that you want to pursue a career in STEM is the first step to unlocking a wholesome, fulfilling career where you can truly make a difference.

Before someone can dive into a career in STEM, it is crucial to understand its foundation. STEM is an integral part of our everyday lives and its influence spans numerous sectors. But what exactly is STEM?

So, first things first.

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How to get noticed at work for a promotion
Bill Woehr Bill Woehr

How to get noticed at work for a promotion

If you asked every single person whether they would like a promotion or not, 99.9% of people would say yes. That 0.01% of people are either one of the few that are truly content with their work life or they’re liars. My bet is on liars.

In all seriousness though - gaining a promotion at work is one thing that we’ve all desired at least once in our professional life. And the first step to gaining a promotion is being recognised for it in the first place.

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Why do so few women work in STEM roles?
Bill Woehr Bill Woehr

Why do so few women work in STEM roles?

Hopefully soon, there won’t be a question about why there are so few women in STEM. Instead, women will just be searching for jobs, doing research, making discoveries, and feeling excited about their career and their future. All within STEM. This future excites me above all else.

Women are currently few and far between in the world of STEM. Fortunately we have the ability to bridge that gap. Through increased exposure, STEM women role models and early awareness to the subject, women can realise their potential within STEM. We have an innate ability to adapt to difficult surroundings and circumstances which is why I know, as difficult as it may appear, we can conquer this gender divide within STEM.

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10 famous women in STEM
Bill Woehr Bill Woehr

10 famous women in STEM

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Collectively, these outline the distinct yet relatable technical disciplines associated with STEM. Professions that fall under these practices spread over a variety of different core areas. In this blog - I’m going to take a look at some of the most famous names within STEM and hype up these individuals, as every single one of them have brought something different to the field.

Oh and did I mention they’re all women?

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